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September 25, 2019

Fighting For Reunification: A Father’s Story With Jason Bragg

For many biological parents and children in the child welfare and foster care systems, life isn’t about second chances. It’s about third and fourth chances.


August 21, 2019

Examining Reunification From A Child’s Perspective

We understand that reunification is one of the most challenging parts of being a foster parent. Whether you’ve had a child for a few months, or a few years,...

July 31, 2019

Sara's Story: Transitioning From Adoption Mindset To Reunification

Sara Cunningham and her husband Mike always wanted a family. But by the time Sara was 25, she knew it was unlikely that they’d be able to have children. A...

July 17, 2019

How To Mentally Prepare Yourself (And Your Family) For Reunification

“They have a culture, they have a family, they're meant to be together because there is a true bond.” — Sara Cunningham, Washington State foster parent


April 24, 2019

What Does Reunification Mean?

In foster care, reunification happens when a child returns to live with their family full time. It is actually the most common goal of foster care.

If you're...

April 3, 2019

5 Reasons Why Reunification Is The Goal Of Foster Parenting

In Washington State, approximately 57% of children placed in out-of-home care were reunited with their parents within three years. While that may not sound bad...

Free Resource: Is Foster Parenting Right For You?

Anyone can be a foster parent, but that doesn’t mean everyone is ready to start that journey. 

Are you ready to foster change for a family that needs you? Download this free resource to help make a decision that has the power to impact lives.


Ready to Foster Someone Incredible?

We’ll help you find a foster parent agency that’s perfect for your family

let’s get started!